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  1. The Writing: I’m still working on my Margie Lawson Writer’s Academy class though I’m feeling more like a lurker than a participant, LOL, but I’m learning a lot.
  2. Marcia Richards hit the nail on the head with her teaser post comparing writing with sex.
  3. The Reading: I’ve had quite a bit of stand around and wait periods this week which equals reading. I’ll be chatting about a couple of them on the next Tuesday Book Talk post.
  4. The Blogging: I haven’t kept track this week. My gut says it was a fail in the comment department. It was definitely a fail in adding any posts to my queue. Thank goodness for a cushion!
  5. The Social Media: Again, I haven’t kept track this week, and I have no idea how to call it.
  6. Roni Loren had an interesting discussion on her Follow at Your Own Risk post. I can see both sides of the argument. I guess, for me, following on social media is like TV or movie ratings. If I know what I’m getting, it’s on me whether I follow or not. How about you?
  7. On Friday I had a blast connecting up with Melanie Macek while she was traveling through the area. Squee! So awesome being able to meet and chat in person after months of getting to know each other online.
  8. The Health: Oy. It has been one of those weeks. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail.
  9. To support the awesomeness that is ROW80 you can go HERE