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Ladies, when was the last time, if ever, you wore a suit?

For me, it has been over twenty years. The last time I wore a suit was in the 80’s and not even for interviews have I needed a suit…until now.


Perhaps it was the change in location. Miami, Florida verses Portland, Oregon. Perhaps it was the change from a big corporation to small, more family run, businesses. Perhaps it was just the natural evolution of business wear to casual business wear. Or perhaps, the e-trade world we live in where people are a voice, an email signature, rather than a face.

Joely Sue Burkhart talked about dressing for dieting and writing success last year. Loved that post. And, as I mentioned in my comment, getting dressed each day is part of my Flylady routine. I’ve never been a slob but my last two positions (not counting the animal hospital) were more jeans/Dockers and blouses than skirts/dresses/suits!

Yet here, in Sin City, it seems to have shifted back to the professional dress code. Perhaps that isn’t so strange after all. Miami = tourist destination. Las Vegas = tourist destination. Portland, not so much.

I have an interview this afternoon so this has been on my mind, thrust into the foreground with my continued job hunt. Like many, I’m in a catch-22. I don’t have the funds to go out a buy a business suit yet I need to dress for the position I want, not the one I have…well, had.

Apparently, the current thinking is to focus on suits and/or separates (jackets, slacks, and skirts) in gray, black, navy, or tan. Stay away from open-toed and slingback shoes, keeping the heels under four inches, in fact, kitten-heels are recommended.

What is business wear in your neck of the woods?